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Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards

Цыганские Предсказательные Карты отличаются от традиционных Цыганских Гадальных карт тем что сделаны в виде квадратов с
половинками картинок на каждой из четырёх сторон. Карты надо поворачивать чтобы соединять совпадаюшие половинки.

Толковать эти карты очень легко. Совпашие символы и является предсказанием. Если совпало несколько картинок, необходимо учитывать их взаимосвязь.

Project Viewer

This is only a VIEWER. It does NOT Edit or Create files.
- Opens MS Project attachments directly from your email
- Opens Project files directly from Dropbox
- Gantt Chart view with scroll, zoom & collapse
- Provides Table view and a Detailed Task view
- You can try it instantly with the included Sample file
- Works with .mpp and .xml Microsoft Project formats
- Has a build-in file browser
- Can also be used with your favorite file browser – works with most of them
- Opens files and links directly from the web

Project Viewer DEMO

This is a DEMO version of the Project Viewer:
- Opens MS Project attachments directly from your email
- Opens Project files directly from Dropbox
- Gantt Chart view with scroll, zoom & collapse
- Provides Table view and a Detailed Task view
- You can try it instantly with the included Sample file
- Works with .mpp and .xml Microsoft Project formats
- Has a build-in file browser
- Can also be used with your favorite file browser – works with most of them
- Opens files and links directly from the web
- Works well with tablets