Ìîáèëüíûé Êîíòåíò
iosAndroidWindows PhoneTizenBlackberry
— Ïðèëîæåíèÿ è èãðû Android, iPhone, iPad. Àíàëèòèêà. Ðåêëàìà.

Webrich Software Private Limited

Âñå ïðèëîæåíèÿ êîìïàíèè Webrich Software Private Limited. ×òîáû ñêà÷àòü èãðó/ïðèëîæåíèå, ïåðåéäèòå íà ñòðàíèöó ïðèëîæåíèÿ.

Adathaszn?lat ( Data Usage )

Az alkalmaz?s levet?v? teszi, hogy minden egyes let?lt?tt b?jtot sz?molhass ?s ?gy elker?lheted, hogy a sunyi szolg?ltat?, aki arra v?r, hogy t?ll?pd a havi limitet, t?lzott b?ntet?st fizettessen az am?gy is nehezen megkeresett p?nzedb?l. Ha pedig nem haszn?lod ki a rendelkez?sre ?ll? keretet maxim?lisan, mert f?lsz, hogy t?ll?ped a keretet, ezzel tulajdonk?ppen megint csak pazarlod a p?nzed. Ez az alkalmaz?s minden egyes b?jtot sz?mol helyetted, egyszer?v? t?ve, hogy mindig pontosan tudd, hogy v?rhat?an mikor ?red el a limitet ?s ?gy ?rt?kes ?sszeget sp?rol meg neked h?napr?l h?napra ?s nincs mi?rt izgulnod.

Az alkalmaz?s f?bb tulajdons?gai:

A telep?t?s roppant k?nny?. Minden, amit meg kell adnod (csak egyszer, a telep?t?skor sz?ks?ges) a havi adatkorl?tot (pl. 200-at a 200 MB-os havi adatforgalmi tervhez) ?s a havi sz?ml?z?si ciklus kezdet?t (p?ld?ul 5, ha a sz?ml?z?si ciklus kezdete minden h?nap 5-e). Igen, ez minden ?s az alkalmaz?s a t?bbit elint?zi.

Az alkalmaz?s rendelkezik egy be?p?tett algoritmussal is, ami automatikusan figyeli, hogy melyik h?l?zaton, 3G, 4G, Edge, GSM stb. vagy ak?r wifi-n mennyi az adatforgalom. Nyugodtan ?tv?lthatsz a wifi ?s a cell?s h?l?zatok k?z?tt, nincs semmi gond. Az alkalmaz?s automatikusan elv?gzi az ?t?ll?st ?s pontosan megmondja, hogy mennyi adatot haszn?lna a m?sik h?l?zatokon.

Az alkalmaz?s k?veti a havi adatforgalmadat ?s egy fokozatosan v?ltoz? sz?n? oszloppal jelzi a mennyis?get. Ha biztons?gosan a limiten bel?l vagy, akkor z?ld, ha megk?zel?ted a limitet, akkor narancsra v?lt, ha m?r majdnem ?tl?ped, vagy m?r ?tl?pted a limitet, akkor bepirosodik. Ez nagyon egyszer? ?s rendk?v?l hasznos. Ha ?rdekelnek a r?szletek, akkor azt is megmutatja, hogy mennyi volt az adott havi adatforgalom ?s az a keret h?ny sz?zal?ka.

Ez az alkalmaz?s rendelkezik egy ?gynevezett adat doktorral*. Az adat doktor "Intelligens"-elemz?st k?sz?t a haszn?lati szok?sodr?l ?s el?re jelzi, ha v?rhat?an t?l fogod l?pni az adatkorl?tot. Ez?ltal pontosabban meg tudod tervezni az adatforgalmat.

Az adat-doktor* seg?ts?g?vel alkalmazhat? a Korai figyelmeztet?s, ami sz?njelekkel figyelmeztet, ha nagy az es?lye, hogy ?tl?pd az adatforgalmi korl?tot ?s javaslatokat ad az adatforgalmi tervedhez, hogy ne l?pd t?l a limitet ?s amennyire lehet maxim?lisan ki tudd haszn?lni a rendelkez?sre ?ll? keretet.

Ha egyik bar?tod k?lcs?n k?ri az iPhone-od/iPod-od egy id?re ?s meg akarod n?zni, hogy let?lt?tt-e valamit ?s az megzavarta-e a havi let?lt?si keretedet, semmi gond. Az alkalmaz?s rendelkezik egy "Utols? futtat?s ?ta" funkci?val, ami pontosan megmutatja a kor?bbi esem?nyeket ?s m?r most megtudhatod, hogy mennyi adat volt let?ltve ezen alkalmaz?s utols? futtat?sa ?ta, ?s nem csak a h?nap v?g?n (miut?n megkaptad a sz?ml?t).

A "Null?z?s eml?keztet?" eml?keztet, hogy null?zd az havi adatforgalom-sz?ml?l?t.

A "Legut?bbi ?jraind?t?s ?ta" men?pont megmutatja, hogy a legut?bbi ?jraind?t?s ?ta mennyi volt pontosan az adatlet?lt?s.

A korl?tlan adattervhez ?ll?tsd 0-ra az adatlimitet. Minden r?szletet l?tni fogsz ezut?n is, csak az adatforgalom limithez m?rt sz?zal?kos ar?ny?t nem, mivel a limit korl?tlan.

*Az Adat-doktor gombot a k?sz?l?k jobb fels? sark?ban jelenik meg. Ez a gomb csak az adott sz?ml?z?si ciklus harmadik napja ut?n jelenik meg, mivel az Adat-doktornak legal?bb h?rom napra van sz?ks?ge, hogy az Intelligens-elemz?st futtatni tudja.

Consumo de Datos ( Data Usage )

Una aplicaci?n que te permite contar todos los bytes que descargas y por lo tanto te ayuda a defenderte de ese proveedor de telecomunicaciones que solo est? esperando a que sobrepases tu l?mite mensual de datos para apoderarse con exageradas penalidades del dinero que te has ganado arduamente. Si no aprovechas tu l?mite de datos al m?ximo por miedo a sobrepasar el mismo, y por lo tanto terminas perdiendo parte del dinero que de todas formas est?s pagando, esta aplicaci?n realiza la tarea de contar cada uno de los bytes por ti, para que puedas conocer f?cilmente cu?ndo pudieras estar a punto de exceder el l?mite y por lo tanto poder ahorrar tu valioso dinero mes tras mes, brind?ndote paz mental.

Los Aspectos m?s Notables de esta Aplicaci?n son:

?Mide los Datos Celulares y WiFi

?No es necesario utilizar esta aplicaci?n en segundo plano; por lo tanto puedes extender la vida de la bater?a, a diferencia de lo que sucede con otras aplicaciones similares que trabajan en segundo plano y desgastan la bater?a, la memoria del tel?fono y enlentecen su funcionamiento.

?Predicciones mensuales de an?lisis de datos, en el cual se brindan proyecciones precisas para el consumo mensual de datos y tambi?n sugiere patrones de utilizaci?n para que no sobrepases tu l?mite antes de que termine el mes.

?Dise?ado para ser utilizado en iPhone y iPad y funciona normalmente en ambos. P?guelo solo una vez, util?celo donde desee (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

?Utiliza un algoritmo de inteligencia artificial que aprende de tus patrones de consumo y se adapta para sugerir el mejor consumo diario para proteger tu l?mite.

?Utiliza un algoritmo especial que te informa con precisi?n sobre tu consumo de datos sin tener que utilizarlo en segundo plano. Ahorra bater?a y ahorra espacio en la memoria.

?Avisos codificados en colores Verde, Rojo y Amarillo que te informan sobre el estado de tu consumo.

?Utiliza la opci?n "Desde la ?ltima Ejecuci?n" para conocer la cantidad de datos utilizada por otras aplicaciones y saber si hay alguna que est? consumiendo una cantidad excesiva de datos.

?Utiliza los recordatorios de reinicio para restaurar el cosumo de datos en el inicio de cada ciclo de facturaci?n.

?Esta aplicaci?n funcionar? con cualquier proveedor de telecomunicaciones debido a que re?ne todos los datos desde el dispositivo SIN tener que identificarse en ning?n lado.

?Configuraci?n s?per sencilla.

Nota: Por favor, env?e cualquier duda al departamento de soporte en vez de reflejarlas como comentarios.

Data Brug ( Data Usage )

En applikation der giver dig mulighed for at t?lle hver eneste byte du henter og dermed afv?rge, at intrigant teleudbyder, der venter, s? du overskrider dit m?nedlige data gr?nse, og han kan snyde dine h?rdt tjente penge som uhyrligt overpris sanktioner. Hvis du ikke bruger data begr?nsning til det yderste af frygt for at overskride gr?nsen og dermed spilder de penge du betaler alligevel, denne applikation g?r arbejdet for at t?lle hver byte for dig, hvilket g?r det super nemt for dig at vide pr?cis, hvorn?r du kan overstige gr?nsen og dermed spare de dyrebare penge af jeres, m?neder efter m?neder, hver m?ned. Og du f?r Fred i sindet .

H?jdepunkterne i denne applikation er:

1) M?ler Cellul?r og WiFi data.

2) Ingen grund til at k?re denne applikation i baggrunden. Derfor spare dyrebare batteriets levetid i mods?tning til andre lignende applikationer, som k?rer i baggrunden og kv?rn batteriet s?vel som telefonens hukommelse og din telefon bliver langsom .

3) Forprogrammeret m?nedlige data analyse, hvor det giver meget pr?cise prognoser for den aktuelle m?ned databrug og foresl?r brugsm?nstre, s? du ikke overskredet begr?nsning inden udgangen af m?ned.

4) Designet til b?de iPhone og IPAD og vil k?re indbygget p? begge. K?b engang, brug overalt (iPhone, IPAD, iPod)

5) Bruger kunstige intelligens algoritme, der l?rer af dit brugsm?nstre , tilpasses og foresl?r bedste daglig brug kvote.

6) Benytter en speciel algoritme, der fort?ller din pr?cise dataforbrug uden nogensinde at skulle k?re hele tiden i baggrunden. Enest?ende batteri levetid besparelse. Enest?ende telefonhukommelse besparelse.

7) Gr?n, r?d , gul farve kodede advarsler for at fort?lle dig, hvor dit forbrug st?r.

8) Brug "Siden sidst Brugt"-funktionen til at finde ud af data, der var anvendt af andre applikationer og find ud af, om nogle applikation bruger overskydende data.

9) Brug nulstil p?mindelser for at nulstille dataforbruget i starten af faktureringsperiode.

10) Denne applikation vil arbejde med alle teleudbyder, da det samler alle sine data inde fra enheden uden nogensinde at logge ind p? alt .

11) Super enkel ops?t.

Venligst Bem?rk: e-mail support henvendelser i stedet for at efterlade dem som anmeldelses kommentarer.

Dataf?rbrukning (Data Usage PRO)

En applikation som m?jligg?r f?r dig att h?lla koll p? varje byte som du laddar ner och p? s? s?tt undvika att din bedr?gliga mobiloperat?r tar ut straffavgifter f?r att du g?r av med mer data ?n vad som ing?r i ditt abonnemang. Om du vanligtvis inte anv?nder all data som ing?r i ditt abonnemang f?r att du ?r r?dd att du ska g?ra av med f?r mycket, s? sl?sar du ?nd? pengar p? data som du inte g?r av med. Den h?r applikationen r?knar vartenda byte som du g?r av med och g?r det j?tteenkelt f?r dig att h?lla koll p? om du g?r av med f?r mycket data, vilket g?r att du kan tj?na stora pengar, varje m?nad. Och dessutom kan du sluta oroa dig f?r h?ga mobilr?kningar.

Detta ?r utst?ende f?r den h?r applikationen:

? Detta ?r en universal applikation. Den kan k?ras p? b?de nPhone, iPod Touch och iPad. Betala f?r den en g?ng, och k?r den ?verallt!

? G?r en smart analys av ditt anv?ndningsm?nster och f?rutsp? n?r du ?r p? v?g att g? ?ver din databegr?nsning. P? s? s?tt kan du planera b?ttre din dataf?rbrukning.

? Den har en inbyggd illustrativt f?rgad m?tsticka s? du kan h?lla koll p? n?r du ?r n?ra att g? ?ver begr?nsningen och den kommer ocks? att f?resl? hur du kan anv?nda ditt dataabonnemang p? ett optimalt s?tt f?r att undvika att du g?r ?ver din begr?nsning, men samtidigt anv?nder all tillg?nglig data till max.

?J?tteenkel att komma ig?ng med. Ange bara m?natlig databegr?nsning (t.ex. 200 om du har 200MB som m?natlig begr?nsning) och faktureringsperiodens f?rsta datum under m?naden (t.ex. 5 om det ?r den 5 november), s? ?r du f?rdig. Applikationen tar hand om resten.

?Den h?r applikationen anv?nder en speciell algoritm f?r att automatiskt byta mellan wifi eller mobil (3G, GSM, EDGE eller annan) dataf?rbrukning.

?Den h?ller koll p? din m?natliga dataf?rbrukning och visar det p? en illustrativt f?rgad m?tsticka. Den ?r gr?n om du fortfarande ?r s?ker inom dataf?rbrukningen och r?d precis n?r du ?r p? v?g att g? ?ver gr?nsen eller om du redan har g?tt ?ver den. Den informerar ocks? hur mycket data som har anv?nts under m?naden och hur stor procentandel som det ?r.

?Om en kompis har l?nat din iPhone/iPod ett tag och du ?r orolig f?r att han/hon kanske ha kollat p? film ?ver 3G och g?tt ?ver databegr?nsningen s? ?r det inga problem. Applikationen har en funktion som heter "Sedan senast k?rd" som talar om f?r dig hur mycket data som anv?nts sedan applikationen k?rdes senast. P? s? s?tt f?r du reda p? det direkt och inte vid slutet p? m?naden, vilket g?r att du kan planera d?refter.

?Du kan s?tta p?/st?nga av ?terst?llningsp?minnelserna som p?minner dig att ?terst?lla m?taren f?r m?natlig dataf?rbrukning.

?Funktionen "Sedan senaste omstart" talar om f?r dig exakt hur mycket data som har laddats ner sedan enheten (iPhone/iPod) startades om senast. En annan funktion som heter "Sedan installering av app" m?ter hur mycket data som laddats ner sedan applikationen installerades p? enheten. Den talar ocks? om hur m?nga dagar det ?r kvar p? faktureringsperioden s? du f?r b?ttre koll p? hur du kan planera din dataf?rbrukning och kunna anv?nda upp till all data till gr?nsen och f? maximalt v?rde f?r det som du redan betalat f?r.

?Har du ett obegr?nsat abonnemang, men fortfarande vill ha koll p? hur mycket data du g?r av med? Inga problem. V?lj 0 som databegr?nsning, s? kommer du att f? tillg?ng till alla detaljer utom procentandel av hur mycket du har gjort av med.

Datan K?ytt? ( Data Usage )

Sovellus joka laskee jokaisen tavun jonka lataat ja n?in ollen pit?? huolen ett? juonitteleva operaattorisi joka odottaa ett? ylit?t kuukausittaisen tiedonsiirto rajasi jotta voisi vied? kovalla ty?ll? ansaitsemasi rahat t?rke?sti yli hinnoitelluilla maksuilla. Jos et k?yt? dataasi kokonaan rajoituksen yliteksen pelossa ja n?in ollen tuhlaat rahasi jotka maksat joka tapauksessa. T?m? sovellus laskee jokaisen tavun puolestasi tehden sinulle todella helpoksi tiet?? tarkasti koska saatat ylitt?? rajoituksen ja n?in ollen s??st?? arvokkaat rahasi, kuukausi kuukaudelta. Ja se mielenrauha jonka saat.

Sovelluksen t?rkeimm?t ominaisuudet ovat:

1) Mittaa matkapuhelinverkossa ja WiFi:ss? k?ytetyn datan.

2) Sovellusta ei tarvitse ajaa taustalla. T?st? johtuen akkua s??styy, toisin kuin muilla saman tapaisilla sovelluksilla jotka k?yv?t taustalla, kuluttavat akkua ja viev?t muistia joka taas hidastaa puhelintasi.

3) Arvaava kuukausittainen data analyysi miss? saat hyvin tarkkoja suunnitelmia ja ehdotuksia kuukauden datan k?yt?lle, jotta et ylitt?isi datan k?ytt?rajoitusta ennen kuun loppua.

4) Suuniteltu sek? iPhonelle ja iPadille, ja toimii normaalisti molemmilla. Osta kerran, k?yt? kaikkialla (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

5) K?ytt?? keino?ly algoritmia joka oppii sinun k?yt?st?si ja sopeutuu ehdottamaan parasta p?ivitt?ist? datank?ytt?kiinti?t?.

6) K?ytt?? erityist? algoritmi? joka kertoo sinulle datan k?yt?n m??r?n tarkasti ilman ett? sovelluksen t?ytyy koskaan k?yd? koko ajan taustalla. Suurta akun s??st??, suurta puhelimen muistin s??st??.

7) Vihre?, keltainen ja punainen v?rikoodi kertoo datan k?ytt?si tilan.

8) K?yt? "Viime k?yt?st? l?htien" ominaisuutta selvitt??ksesi muiden sovellusten k?ytt?m?n datan ja l?yt??ksesi jos joku sovellus k?ytt?? liikaa dataa.

9) K?yt? nolla muistutuksia nollataksesi datan k?yt?n laskutuskauden alussa.

10) T?m? sovellus toimii mill? tahansa operaatorilla sill? se ker?? tietonsa laitteen sis?lt? ilman ett? sinun t?ytyy koskaan kirjautua mihink??n.

11) Eritt?in yksinkertainen asennus.

Huomaa: L?het?th?n kyselyt s?hk?postilla tukeen ?l?k? kirjoita niit? arvostelu kommentteina.

Date Utilizate ( Data Usage )

O aplicatie care iti contorizeaza fiecare byte downloadat si are grija ca sa nu depasesti data de utilizare lunara ce poate sa iti genereze un cost suplimentar ridicat din partea furnizorului de telecomunicatii.Daca nu utilizezi la maxim limitarea utilizarii datelor de frica unui cost suplimentar,aceasta aplicatie va contoriza fiecare byte downloadat si face pentru tine o super simpla previziune a datei cand ai putea depasi limitarea cea ce duce la o pretioasa economisire a banilor luna de luna.Asa ceva ti-ar aduce o relaxare a mintii.

Punctele forte ale aplicatiei sunt:

Setarea aplicatiei este usoara.Ai nevoie doar sa setezi o singura data limita lunara de date(exemplu:200 pentru 200 Mb de date lunare planificate) si data de incepere a ciclului lunar de facturare(exemplu: 5 daca ciclul de facturare incepe pe 5 ale fiecarei luni).Da,doar atat e necesar iar aplicatia va face restul.

Aceasta aplicatie are un algoritm inclus ce contorizeaza cate date au fost utilizate in reteaua telefonica pentru:3G,4G,Edge,Gsm etc totodata cate date au fost utilizate prin Wi-Fi.Poti sa comuti fara nicio problema intre reteaua Wi Fi si cea telefonica.Aceasta aplicatie are grija sa te informeze cate date au fost utilizate in fiecare retea.

Urmareste care e consumul de date utilizate lunar si iti arata suma utilizata ca si culoarea tip din bara progresiva.E verde daca esti in zona de protectie a utilizarii datelor,e portocaliu daca esti in apropierea limitei si e rosu daca ai depasit-o.E super usor de utilizat si e foarte de ajutor.Daca iti plac detaliile vei fi informat cat anume ai consumat in aceasta luna si cat ai consumat in procente din Limita de data impusa.

Aceasta aplicatie are implementate o functie numita Data Doctor*."Data Doctor" face o Analiza inteligenta pe modelele utilizate si iti previzioneaza cand anume vei depasi limitarea datelor.Astfel vei putea sa iti organizezi mai bine datele utilizate.

"Data Doctor"este introdusa in sistemul de avertizare timpuriu care avea incorporat un sistem de coduri de atentionare care te informa cand anume esti in pericol sa iti depasesti limitarea de date si care totodata iti sugera cum anume sa iti optimizezi utilizarea datelor ca sa nu depasesti limitarea dar insa sa te folosesti la maxim de ea.

Poti sa folosesti butonul "Data Doctor' pentru a primi Solutii intelepte pentru o utilizare optima
-Cand "Data Doctor" este verde inseamna ca esti in zona de protectie a limitarii si ca nu vei depasi limitarea pana la finalul lunii.
-Cand "Data Doctor' este rosu inseamna ca esti in pericol sa depasesti limita lunara inainte de incheierea lunii.

Ai imprumutat unui prieten pentru o perioada de timp Iphone -ul/IPod-ul tau si vrei sa verifici daca el/ea a downloadat ca sa iti afecteze limita de utilizare date.Foarte simplu!Aceasta aplicatie are functia "De la ultima utilizare" care include si un astfel de scenariu si te ajuta sa afli acum si nu la finalul lunii(dupa ce ai primit factura)care e volumul de date downloadat de la ultima deschidere a aplicatiei.

Are Memento Resetare ce iti reaminteste de resetarea contorului de date utilizate lunar.

Functia "De la ultima redeschidere"te informeaza cu exactitate cu privire la volumul de date downloadat de cand (IPhone/Ipod)a fost deschis.

Pentru utilizarea planului de date nelimitat introduceti 0 in Limitare data.Si vei primi toate detaliile,cu exceptia procentelor din Limitarea de date utilizata atata timp cat e nelimitata.

* Butonul "Data Doctor" apare in aplicatie in coltul dreapta sus.Butonul acesta e vizibil doar dupa trei zile din ciclul de facturare curent,deoarece "Data Doctor" are nevoie de cel putin trei zile de utilizare a datelor din Analizarea Inteligenta.

Gegevensgebruik ( Data Usage )

Een applicatie die elke byte die je download telt zodat die niet hoger zijn dan het datalimiet dat uw telecom provider u maandelijks aanbiedt. Als u de de maximale datalimiet niet bereikt uit angst voor het overschrijden van de limiet, verspil je je geld want je betaalt er toch voor. Dit programma zorgt ervoor dat elke byte geteld wordt en laat je precies weten wanneer je de limiet zou overschrijden en helpt je kostbaar geld te besparen, elke maand.

De hoogtepunten van dit programma zijn:

? Dit is een universele applicatie. Het zal draaien op iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad. Koop het eenmalig, gebruik het overal!

? Het doet de Smart-analyse over de gegevens van uw gebruik om te voorspellen wanneer u de limiet zou overschrijden. Dit zodat u uw gebruik beter kunt organiseren.

? Het heeft kleurcode waarschuwingen zo gebouwd dat het u zal laten weten wanneer u in gevaar bent om uw datalimiet te overschrijden en het zal je ook voorstellen hoe het data-plan optimaal te gebruiken zodat je het datalimiet niet overschrijdt en je het data limiet toch optimaal kan gebruiken.

?Super eenvoudige installatie. Voer gewoon de maandelijkse datalimiet in: Bijvoorbeeld 200 voor een maandelijks datalimiet van 200 MB en de startdatum van de factureringsmaand (Bijvoorbeeld 5 voor 5 november) en het is gedaan. Het programma doet de rest.

?Deze applicatie maakt gebruik van een speciaal algoritme om het gebruik van WiFi of mobiele data (3G, GSM, Edge of andere) automatisch te berekenen.

?Het dient om uw maandelijkse datagebruik bij te houden en toont het bedrag dat wordt gebruikt door een kleur op de voortgangsbalk. Groen is wanneer je veilig binnen de grenzen blijft, het wordt oranje wanneer je dicht bij het limiet komt en het wordt rood als je dichtbij het limiet zit of je het overschreden hebt. Het vertelt je ook hoeveel data werd gebruikt tijdens de maand en welk percentage van de datalimiet wordt gebruikt.

?Uw vriend heeft uw iPhone / iPod voor een tijdje geleend en je bent bang dat hij een netflix film zou hebben bekeken op 3G en hij de datalimiet zou overschreden hebben. Geen probleem, de toepassing heeft een functie genaamd "Sinds de laatste uitvoering" die je vertelt hoeveel data gebruikt werd tijdens de laatste uitvoering van deze toepassing. Je zult het dus direct te weten komen en niet op het einde van de maand. Dus je weet het meteen en niet over een maand dus je kunt het plannen.

?U kunt stoppen / starten om herinneringen te resetten van het Maandelijkse datagebruik.

?De functie "Sinds het laatst opgestart" vertelt je precies hoeveel gegevens gedownload zijn van de iPhone / iPod sinds de laatste keer. Een andere functie genaamd "Sinds de installatie van de applicatie" telt hoeveel gegevens er gedownload zijn sinds de toepassing ge?nstalleerd werd op het apparaat. Het vertelt je ook hoeveel dagen je nog hebt in de factueringscyclus zodat u het datagebruik beter kunt plannen en je krijgt een maximum van geld dat u elke maand betaalt.

?U hebt onbeperkte data gepland, maar u wilt toch het datagebruik spoor. Geen probleem. Gewoon 0 invoeren voor het datalimiet. Het geeft je alle details met uitzondering van het percentage datalimiet dat als onbeperkt wordt gebruikt.

Grammar : Change Of Voice

Learn how to use Active and Passive Voice in English Grammar

Grammar Express: Active and Passive Voice is the complete course in mastering transformation of sentences, a process which enables you to change a sentence from one grammatical form to another without changing its meaning. It's a valuable exercise for it teaches you how to introduce variety in writing English. It contains over 46 pages of lessons with several examples explaining how to change Active Voice into Passive Voice and the vice versa. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of Active and Passive Voice and make use of variety of expressions in writing English. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.
? Present Tense
? Present Continuous Tense
? Present Perfect Tense
? Past Tense
? Past Continuous Tense
? Past Perfect Tense
? Future Tense
? Interrogative
? Imperative
? Miscellaneous Questions on Passive Voice

In mock test questions are presented randomly selected from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Over 26 pages of grammar lessons and rules with over 102 examples.
• Over 300 multiple -choice questions with explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Grammar : Clause Analysis

Speak Better English

? Over 8 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 50 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 300 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Clause Analysis is the complete course in mastering the art of breaking up simple or complex or compound sentences into their different components for better understanding. It contains over 8 pages of lessons explaining various rules for analyzing different kinds of clauses with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of how to identify clause whether it is adjective clause or adverb clause or a noun clause. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

Grammar : Figures of Speech

Learn to speak better English

? Over 58 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 278 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 300 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Figures of Speech is the complete course in mastering the art of expressing figuratively for the sake of greater effect. It contains over 58 pages of lessons explaining each figures of speech based on resemblance, contrast or difference, association, imagination, indirectness of speech and sound with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of figures of speech and use of flowery and ornamental language. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

Grammar Express : Prepositions

? Over 68 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 265 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 500 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Prepositions is the complete course in mastering English grammatical preposition. It contains over 68 pages of lessons explaining each Preposition with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of Prepositions and make use of correct preposition. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

You can reattempt the questions you answered incorrectly in practice tests.

• 4 topics with over 250 multiple- choice questions.
• Over 250 Test Questions.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” helps you to retry missed questions.
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Grammar Express : Tenses

? Over 100 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 1000 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 1000 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express : Tenses is the complete course in mastering English grammatical tenses.
It contains over over 100 pages of lessons explaining each grammar tense with several examples.
You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and then test their understanding by taking quiz.
At the end of each quiz the user is presented with test summary and explanation for each test question.
Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of tenses and make use of correct form of verb.
Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints.
Research suggests that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback.
Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

? Future continuous tense
? Future forms of To Be
? Future forms of To Do
? Future forms of To Have
? Future perfect continuous tense
? Future perfect tense
? Future tense
? Past continuous tense
? Past forms of To Be
? Past forms of To Do
? Past forms of To Have
? Past perfect continuous tense
? Past perfect tense
? Past tense
? Present continuous tense
? Present forms of To Be
? Present forms of To Do
? Present forms of To Have
? Present perfect continuous tense
? Present perfect tense
? Present tense

In mock test questions are presented randomly selected from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Over 100 pages of grammar lessons and rules with over 1000 examples.
• Over 1000 multiple-choice questions with explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Note: You must have a PDF Reader installed on your phone to read lessons.

Grammar Express: Articles

? Over 14 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 109 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 300 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Articles is the complete course in mastering the use of correct articles in writing English. It contains over 14 pages of lessons explaining each article with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of Articles and how to use them correctly in writing English. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

Grammar Express: Nouns

? Over 48 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 327 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 450 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Nouns is the complete course in mastering the kinds of noun such as common noun, proper noun, collective noun, material noun and abstract noun. It contains over 48 pages of lessons explaining Noun-Number, Gender and Case with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of kinds of noun and their classification into concrete and abstract noun. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.
? Nouns
? Noun-Case
? Noun-Gender
? Noun-Number

In mock test questions are presented randomly selected from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Over 48 pages of grammar lessons and rules with over 327 examples.
• Over 300 multiple -choice questions with explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Grammar Express: Question Tag

Speak Better English.

? Over 13 Pages of Grammar Lessons.
? Over 69 examples with Grammar Rules.
? Over 500 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express: Question Tag is the complete course in mastering the art of using tag questions in your day to day conversation. It contains over 13 pages of lessons explaining various rules for using Question Tags to suit the sense and statements with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of Question Tag and make use of it in your communication. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

Grammar Up

"Learn grammar rules by topic with this innovative app"

1800 Grammar Questions.

Grammar Up is a multiple choice quiz system for English which provides over 1800 questions across 20 grammar categories.
Grammar Up was designed to replicate questions with a business focus commonly found in the popular TOEIC (TM) English proficiency test.
Grammar Up can help learners to improve their grammar, word selection and vocabulary.
Research suggests that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback.
Grammar Up provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.   

"Learn grammar rules by topic with this innovative app" -Macworld.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

? Adjectives word choice
? Adverbs word choice
? Causative Verbs
? Conditionals
? Conjunctions
? Nouns Word Choice
? Prepositions
? Pronouns word choice
? Similar words
? Verb tense
? Transitions
? Two-word verbs
? Verbs word choice
? Word families
? Adjectives word form
? Adverbs word form
? Nouns Word form
? Verbs word form
? Non-count Nouns & Articles
? Infinitives & Gerunds

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

The slick user interface allows you to choose from possible answers.
The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input.

• Over 1800 multiple-choice questions.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• A new module, "Progress Meter" keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic.
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Grammar: Parts Of Speech

Complete course in English parts of speech.

? Over 130 Pages of Grammar Lessons. ? Over 1000 examples with Grammar Rules. ? Over 800 Test Questions with Explanation.

Grammar Express : Parts of Speech is the complete course in mastering usage different parts of speech.
It contains over over 130 pages of lessons explaining each part of speech with several examples.
You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and then test their understanding by taking quiz.
At the end of each quiz the user is presented with test summary and explanation for each test question.
Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of the different parts of speech.
Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints.
Research suggests that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback.
Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

? Noun
? Pronoun
? Adjective
? Verb
? Adverb
? Conjunction
? Preposition
? Interjection

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Over 130 pages of grammar lessons and rules with over 1000 examples.
• Over 800 multiple-choice questions with explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• A new module, "Progress Meter" keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic or mock test.
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Grammar: Reported Speech

Master English reported speech easy way

Grammar Express: Reported Speech is the complete course in mastering Direct and Indirect narration in
English. It contains over 50 pages of lessons explaining rules for conversion of Direct Speech into
Indirect Speech with several examples. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test
their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and
explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of
Reported Speech and introduce variety of expressions in writing English. Research suggest that kids and
adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express
provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you
the areas that each topic covers.
? Assertive or Declarative
? Interrogative
? Imperative
? Exclamatory

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Grammer: Degrees

Master English Degrees Easy Way

Grammar Express: Degrees is the complete course in mastering the use of variety of expressions in writing English. It contains over 26 pages of lessons explaining how to change a sentence from one grammatical form into another without changing its meaning with several examples. Its a valuable exercise for it teaches you how to introduce variety in writing English. You can learn the grammar rules, study the examples and test their understanding by taking quiz. At the end of quiz the user is presented with test summery and explanation for each test question. Grammar Express can help you to improve your understanding of Degrees and make use of them in your writing for greater effect. Custom timer setting can assist you to improve response times under exam time constraints. Research suggest that kids and adults learn most quickly when playing learning games with real-time error-feedback. Grammar Express provides learners with an opportunity to improve strategies for grammar success.

You can study the grammar rules by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.
?Interchange of Positive and Comparative
?Interchange of Comparative and Positive
?Interchange of Superlative into Comparative and Positive

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Over 26 pages of grammar lessons and rules with over 102 examples.
• Over 300 multiple -choice questions with explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic or mock test.
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

IQ Test : The IQ Challenge

"The most comprehensive IQ test on Android Market."

Improve your IQ with this innovative app.
In addition to measuring your general IQ, our exclusive test assesses your performance in 11 different areas of intelligence, revealing your key cognizant strengths and weaknesses.?

These areas are:

? General Analogy
? Verbal Analogy
? General Classification
? Verbal Classification
? Numbers Classification
? Comprehension
? Logical Reasoning
? Mathematical
? Pattern Recognition
? Visualization
? Series

A summary of the test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong, explanation for almost every question.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

• Over 521 multiple-choice questions.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• Track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Idioms Pro

An idiom is a form of expression peculiar to a language. It is a phrase or an expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words in it. “How do you do?” “He was assassinated in cold blood” are English Idioms.

An appropriate use of idioms and expressions introduces a variety in writing English and gives it a zing. To ask about the meanings of idioms and expressions is to ask about everything. To use them with skill and integrity is to become a master of expression. The application English Idioms contains some important idioms and expressions in everyday use with their meanings and examples. Use them in your writing, whenever you think it fit to do so.

Licznik Transferu Danych ( Data Usage )

Aplikacja umo?liwi Ci zliczanie ka?dego bajta transferu danych, pozwalaj?c unikn?? wysokich op?at naliczanych przez operatora po przekroczeniu wykupionego lub przyznanego limitu transferu. By? mo?e nie wykorzystujesz w pe?ni swojego limitu za kt?ry zap?aci?e?, boj?c si? jego przekroczenia. Dzi?ki tej aplikacji b?dziesz wiedzia? czy limit zosta? ju? wykorzystany, lub ile danych mo?esz jeszcze przes?a? lub odebra?, co pozwoli Ci na pe?ne wykorzystanie Twojego limitu za kt?ry przecie? zap?aci?e? i zaoszcz?dzenie pieni?dzy w wypadku przekroczenia limitu. Mo?liwo?? bezstresowego korzystania z mobilnego dost?pu sieci dostajesz gratis.

G??wne cechy aplikacji:

? Niezwykle ?atwa konfiguracja. Po prostu wpisz miesi?czny limit transferu (na przyk?ad 200 dla 200 MB miesi?cznego transferu) i dzie? pocz?tkowy miesi?cznego cyklu zliczania. I to wszystko, program zrobi reszt?.

? Algorytm obliczaj?cy rzeczywisty transfer danych przez WiFi lub GSM (3G, GPRS, Edge i pozosta?e)

? Aplikacja ?ledzi miesi?czny transfer i prezentuje wynik w postaci kolorowego paska post?pu. Kolor zielony oznacza du?y zapas do ko?ca limitu, pomara?czowy gdy zbli?asz si? do ko?ca limitu, i czerwony gdy jeste? bliski przekroczenia lub ju? go przekroczy?e?. Program informuje r?wnie? o wielko?ci transferu w tym miesi?cu oraz oblicza procentow? warto?? zu?ytego limitu.

? Tw?j przyjaciel po?yczy? na chwil? Twojego iPhona/iPada, i martwisz si? ?e m?g? wpa?? na pomys? obejrzenia filmu korzystaj?c z sieci 3G przekraczaj?c Tw?j limit transferu ? Mo?esz to sprawdzi?, program posiada opcj? nazwan? "Od ostatniego uruchomienia", kt?ra powie Ci o ilo?ci przes?anych i odebranych danych od ostatniego uruchomienia aplikacji. Je?li limit zosta? przekroczony, dowiesz si? o tym ju? teraz, nie pod koniec miesi?ca.

? Mo?esz u?y? wbudowanego "przypomnienia" aby? nie zapomnia? o zresetowaniu licznika miesi?cznego transferu

? Funkcja "Od ostatniego restartu" poinformuje Ci? o wielko?ci transferu danych od ostatniego restartu urz?dzenia (iPhona/iPoda). Inna funkcja nazwana "Od zainstalowania" zlicza transfer danych od momentu zainstalowania programu na urz?dzeniu. Aplikacja informuje Ci? r?wnie? ile dni pozosta?o do ko?ca miesi?cznego cyklu zliczania, dzi?ki czemu mo?esz rozs?dnie zaplanowa? zu?ycie pozosta?ego limitu, korzystaj?c w pe?ni z transferu za kt?ry zap?aci?e? nie przekraczaj?c jednocze?nie limitu.

? Tw?j transfer jest nielimitowany, ale wci?? chcia?by? ?ledzi? ilo?? wys?anych i odebranych danych ? Nie ma problemu, po prostu wpisz 0 w konfiguracje limitu transferu. B?dziesz mia? dost?p do wszystkich informacji dotycz?cych transferu poza procentowym wska?nikiem wykorzystanego limitu. W ko?cu jeste? Szcz??ciarzem bez limitu.

Meine Datenplan ( Data Usage )

Eine App, die es Ihnen erm?glicht, Ihr Datenvolumen genauestens zu ?berwachen und jedes einzelne heruntergeladene Byte zu z?hlen. Sie haben Ihren Verbrauch endlich im Griff und schonen gleichzeitig Ihren Geldbeutel. Umgehen Sie die ?berh?hten Kosten der Mobilfunkanbieter f?r das ?berschreiten des monatlichen Datenvolumens. Auch eine Drosselung der Geschwindigkeit geh?rt endlich der Vergangenheit an. Sparen Sie Geld und sichern Sie sich h?chste Geschwindigkeiten, Monat f?r Monat. F?r ein besseres Gef?hl beim Surfen.

Die H?hepunkte dieser Anwendung sind:

? Entwickelt f?r iPhone, iPad und iPod Touch. Einmal gekauft kann die Anwendung auf allen Ger?ten verwendet werden!

? Ein spezieller Algorithmus erm?glicht eine genaue Angabe ?ber den Datenverbrauch im mobilen Netz oder im Wi-Fi. Eine Prognose aus Ihrem Verbrauchsverhalten wird automatisch ermittelt und in einer Empfehlung f?r den Tagesverbrauch zusammengefasst, damit Sie Ihr Volumen nicht ?berschreiten.

?Super einfache Einrichtung. Tragen Sie einfach Ihr monatliches Datenvolumen ein (z.B. 200 f?r ein 200 MB-Volumen) und den Anfang des Abrechnungszeitraumes (z.B. 1 f?r den ersten Tag im Monat). Fertig. Um den Rest k?mmert sich die App.

?Kein Hintergrundbetrieb notwendig. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Apps schont diese den Akku und den Speicher Ihres Ger?tes.

?Intuitive Benutzeroberfl?che, entwickelt von preisgekr?nten UI-Experten.

?Farben signalisieren den aktuellen Stand des Verbrauches. Gr?n bedeutet, dass Sie sich innerhalb der Volumenbegrenzung befinden. Orange bedeutet, dass Sie sich Ihrer Begrenzung n?hern. Rot bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre Grenze erreicht oder ?berschritten haben. Eine Prozentanzeige zeigt, wie weit das Datenvolumen aufgebraucht ist.

?Die Eigenschaft “Seit letzter Verwendung” zeigt den Datenverbrauch von anderen Apps. Einfach die App schlie?en, eine verd?chtige App laufen lassen und den Datenverbrauch danach wieder ?berpr?fen. Hilfreich zum Aufsp?ren datenhungriger Anwendungen.

?Einfaches Zur?ckstellen des Datenverbrauches.

?Die App funktioniert mit allen Mobilfunkanbietern, da interne Ger?tedaten verwendet werden.

?Haben Sie ein unbegrenztes Datenvolumen, m?chten aber trotzdem den Datenverbrauch von Apps kontrollieren, tragen Sie 0 als Volumensbegrenzung ein.

Min Mobildatabruk Pro ( My Data Usage Pro)

En applikasjon som lar deg telle hvert eneste byte du laster ned, og dermed avverger at listige teleleverand?rer som venter p? at du skal overskride den m?nedlige datagrensen, f?r fakturere deg med sine vanvittige overprisede takster. Hvis du ikke bruker opp din tildelte databruk i frykt for ? overstide datagrensen, kan denne appen hjeple deg. Denne appen teller hver eneste byte du laster ned, noe som gj?r det superenkelt ? holde seg akkurat under den m?nedlige datagrensen. P? denne m?ten kan du spare de dyrebare kronene dine, m?ned etter m?ned, hver m?ned.

N?kkelfunksjonalitet for denne appen er:

? Denne appen er en universell applikasjon. Den vil fungere p? iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad. Kj?p ?n gang, bruk overalt!

? Det gj?r Smart-analyse p? bruksm?nster og sp?r n?r du kan overskrider data grensen, slik at du bedre kan organisere databruk.

? Denne appen har fargekodet advarsler bygget p? en m?te som vil fortelle deg n?r du er i fare for overskrider data-grensen og vil ogs? foresl? hvordan du optimalt bruke data-bruk for ikke ? overskride data grensen og likevel bruke den tilgjengelige data grensen til det fulle.

?Super enkel ? stille inn. Bare skriv inn m?nedlig datagrense (f.eks 200 for 200 MB m?nedlig datagrense) og hvilken dag i m?neden som er startdag (f.eks 5 for 5. dag i m?neden) Mer trengs ikke. Appen tar seg av resten.

?Denne appen bruker en spesiell algoritme for ? automatisk regne sammen datatrafikk p? wifi eller mobilnettverk. (3G, GSM, Edge eller annen form)

?Den holder styr p? din m?nedlige databruk, og viser hvor mye som brukes som en fargekodet fremdriftslinje. Den er gr?nn n?r du er trygt innenfor grensen, blir oransje n?r du n?rmer deg grensen, og r?d n?r du er p? veg til ? krysse grensen, eller har krysset den. Den forteller deg ogs? hvor mye data som har blitt brukt denne m?neden, og hvor stor prosentandel av datagrensen som er brukt opp.

?Din venn l?nte din iPhone/ Pod for en liten stund, og du er bekymret for at han/hun kan ha brukt store mengder datatrafikk og overskredet datagrensen. Ikke noe problem. Programmet har en funksjon kalt ""Siden siste kj?ring"" som forteller deg hvor mye data som har blitt brukt siden sist du kj?rte dette programmet. S? da vet du umiddelbart hvor mye som er blitt brukt, og kan planlegge resten av m?nedens databruk deretter.

?Du kan sl? av og p? p?minnelser for ? minne deg p? ? nullstille telleren for m?nedlig databruk.

?Funksjonen ""Siden siste oppstart"" forteller deg n?yaktig hvor mye data som ble lastet ned siden enheten (iPhone/iPod) sist ble restartet. En annen funksjon kalt ""Siden programmet ble installert"" teller hvor mye data som er lastet siden programmet ble installert p? enheten. Den forteller deg ogs? hvor mange dager det er igjen i faktureringssyklusen, slik at du bedre kan planlegge din databruk, bruke den til det fulle og f? maksimal verdi ut av pengene betalt for din m?nedlige databruk."

?Har du ubegrenset databruk, men likevel ?nsker ? spore databruken din? Ingen problem. Bare sette 0 for datagrense, og det vil gi alle detaljer med unntak av gjennst?ende prosentandel.

My Data Usage Pro

Featured by Lifehacker.com and Wired magazine as the best app for data usage tracking.

That ability to know how much data used every month ... excellent.
That peace of mind and the hard earned money savings every month … perfect indeed.
That ability to fend off the scheming ways of telecom providers… priceless!!!

An app that enables you to count every last byte you download and hence fend off that scheming telecom provider who is waiting so that you exceed your monthly data limit and he can bilk your hard earned money as outrageously overpriced penalties. If you don't use the data limit to the fullest for fear of exceeding the limit and hence waste the money you pay anyways, this app does the work of counting every byte for you, making it super simple for you to know exactly when you might exceed the limit and hence saving that precious money of yours, month after month, every month. And that Peace of Mind you get.

????? Available in 28 languages.
????? Supported Languages: English, German, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Flemish, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Hebrew, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Slovakian, Slovenian, Hungarian, Turkish, Korean, Romanian, Thai

##Breaking News##
? #1 Utility app in UK for New and Noteworthy

?#6 Utility app in Canada for New and Noteworthy

?#7 Utility app in USA for New and Noteworthy

?This app now has Data Doctor with Smart Analysis and Early Warning System Features. Please see "Whats new in version 1.3" for details.

?iPad support added. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and will run natively on both. Buy once, use everywhere.

The Highlights of this app are:

?Measures Cellular and WiFi data.

?Measures both Uploaded and Downloaded data usage.

?No need to run this app in background. Hence save the precious battery life unlike other similar apps that run in background and hog the battery as well as phone memory and slow your phone down.

?Predictive monthly data analysis where it gives highly accurate projections for your current month data usage and suggests usage patterns so that you don't overrun your limit before end of month.

?Designed for both iPhone and iPad and will run natively on both. Buy once, use everywhere (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

?Supports 17 languages. English, German, Dutch, Flemish, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Hebrew, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Japanese

?Automatically detects the right language for your device based on your device language settings.

?Uses artificial intelligence algorithm that learns from your usage patterns and adapts to suggest best case daily usage quota limit.

?Uses a special algorithm that tells your precise data usage without ever having to continuously run it in background. Great battery life saving. Great phone memory saving.

?Green, Red and Yellow color coded warnings to tell you where your usage stands.

?Use the "Since Last Run" feature to find out data used by other apps. Very useful in fishing out data hogging apps.

?Use reset reminders to reset the data usage at start of billing cycle.

?This app will work with any telecom provider as it gathers all its data from inside the device WITHOUT ever having to login anywhere.

?Super simple setup.

?Highly intuitive user interface designed by award winning UI Experts.

Note: Please email support queries instead of leaving them as review comments.

Ontario G1 Lite

This app will allow you to learn and review all necessary rules of the road and traffic signs specific to the Ontario G1 written driving test. Practice for your test as many times as possible with this innovative app, since the more you practice the more it improves your ability to successfully pass the G1 written test.

Prepare your Ontario G1 Lite written test with over 50 multiple-choice question format. This app has been designed specially to help you to pass your test with flying colors and it will give you a good indication of what to expect on the actual G1 written driving test.

You can study it by topic. All questions are sorted by topic.

? Road Signs Test 01
? Road Signs Test 02
? Rules of the Road Test 01
? Rules of the Road Test 02
? Rules of the Road Test 03

Mock test simulates the real test format. Questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong for all questions. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful pie chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

? Over 205 questions.
? Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
? Shows test results at the end of each test.
? E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.
? A new module, "Progress Meter" keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic, and retry the questions you answered incorrectly.
? Choose your own timer settings.
? Shake your iPad/iPod/iPhone to skip a question. (You can turn this off if desired.)
? Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
? Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

The Application makes use of your phone's:
. data connection
. sensors
. media library

Ontario G1 Test


This app will allow you to learn and review all necessary rules of the road and traffic signs specific to the Ontario G1 written driving test. Practice for your test as many times as possible with this innovative app, since the more you practice the more it improves your ability to successfully pass the G1 written test.

Prepare your Ontario G1 written test with over 205 multiple-choice question format. This app has been designed specially to help you to pass your test with flying colors and it will give you a good indication of what to expect on the actual G1 written driving test.

You can study it by topic. All questions are sorted by topic.

? Road Signs Test 01
? Road Signs Test 02
? Road Signs Test 03
? Road Signs Test 04
? Road Signs Test 05
? Rules of the Road Test 01
? Rules of the Road Test 02
? Rules of the Road Test 03
? Rules of the Road Test 04
? Rules of the Road Test 05

Mock test simulates the real test format. Questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong for all questions. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful pie chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

? Over 205 questions.
? Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
? Shows test results at the end of each test.
? E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.
? A new module, "Progress Meter" keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic, and retry the questions you answered incorrectly.
? Choose your own timer settings.
? Shake your iPad/iPod/iPhone to skip a question. (You can turn this off if desired.)
? Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
? Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

The Application makes use of your phone's:
. data connection
. sensors
. media library

Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane (PAR)

? Over 17 Different Topics to choose from.
? Over 690+ Test Questions with Explanation.
? Compliant with FAA testing Guidelines.

Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane (PAR): Pilot Test for Private Pilot Airplane is a database of actual FAA knowledge test questions in recent years for Private Pilot Airplane test. All the questions have been solved by domain experts and come equipped with explanation. It has seventeen expansive topics that will train you thoroughly in all aspects of test. After you have mastered the topics, you can start taking the mock test modules that will help you find out all the weak areas that you need to focus to ace in the exam.

Prepare to ace the Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane (PAR) by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

* Airplane Design and Mechanics
* Airplane Navigation
* Aircraft Maintenance
* Experience And Certification
* Aeromedical Issues
* General Airplane Operation
* Airspace Regulations
* Airport and Air Traffic Control
* Flight Rules
* Navigation Instruments
* Airplane Aerodynamics
* Aviation Weather
* Aviation Weather Services
* Navigation Maps
* Navigation Services
* Aeronautical Decision Making
* Aviation Light Signaling

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics. We have taken special care that the mock test resembles closely to the actual knowledge test.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful pie chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

The slick user interface allows you to choose from possible answers.
You don’t need to press too many buttons or encounter any alert messages.
The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input Innovative use of iPhone’s small screen real estate.
Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.

• Over 17 Different Topics to choose from.
• Over 690+ Test Questions with Explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic or mock test.
• Choose your own timer settings.
• Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.
• Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane Lite (PAR)

? Over 6 Different Topics to choose from (full version has 17 Different Topics).
? 60 Test Questions with Explanation (full version has 690+ questions).
? Compliant with FAA testing Guidelines.

Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane (PAR) Lite: Pilot Test for Private Pilot Airplane is a database of actual FAA knowledge test questions in recent years for Private Pilot Airplane test. All the questions have been solved by domain experts and come equipped with explanation. It has seventeen expansive topics that will train you thoroughly in all aspects of test. After you have mastered the topics, you can start taking the mock test modules that will help you find out all the weak areas that you need to focus to ace in the exam.

Prepare to ace the Pilot Test - Private Pilot Airplane (PAR) by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

* Airplane Design and Mechanics
* General Airplane Operation
* Airport and Air Traffic Control
* Aviation Weather
* Navigation Maps
* Navigation Services

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful pie chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

The slick user interface allows you to choose from possible answers.
You don’t need to press too many buttons or encounter any alert messages.
The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input Innovative use of iPhone’s small screen real estate.
Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.

• Over 6 Different Topics to choose from.
• Over 60 Test Questions with Explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic or mock test.
• Choose your own timer settings.
• Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.
• Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Pilot Test - Recreational Pilot Airplane (RPA)

? Over 17 Different Topics to choose from.
? Over 700 Test Questions with Explanation.
? Compliant with FAA testing Guidelines.

Pilot Test - Recreational Pilot Airplane (RPA) is a database of actual FAA knowledge test questions in recent years for Recreational Pilot Airplane test. All the questions have been solved by domain experts and come equipped with explanation. It has seventeen expansive topics that will train you thoroughly in all aspects of test. After you have mastered the topics, you can start taking the mock test modules that will help you find out all the weak areas that you need to focus to ace in the exam.

Prepare to ace the Pilot Test - Recreational Pilot Airplane (RPA) by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

* Airplane Design and Mechanics
* Airplane Navigation
* Aircraft Maintenance
* Experience And Certification
* Aeromedical Issues
* General Airplane Operation
* Airspace Regulations
* Airport and Air Traffic Control
* Flight Rules
* Navigation Instruments
* Airplane Aerodynamics
* Aviation Weather
* Aviation Weather Services
* Navigation Maps
* Navigation Services
* Aeronautical Decision Making
* Aviation Light Signaling

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful pie chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

The slick user interface allows you to choose from possible answers.
You don’t need to press too many buttons or encounter any alert messages.
The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input Innovative use of iPhone’s small screen real estate.
Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.

• Over 17 Different Topics to choose from.
• Over 700+ Test Questions with Explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic or mock test.
• Choose your own timer settings.
• Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.
• Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Pilot Test - Recreational Pilot Airplane (RPA) Lite

? Over 6 Different Topics to choose from (full version has 17 Different Topics).
? 60 Test Questions with Explanation (full version has 700+ questions).
? Compliant with FAA testing Guidelines.

Pilot Test - Recreational Pilot Airplane (RPA) Lite: Pilot Test for Recreational Pilot Airplane is a database of actual FAA knowledge test questions in recent years for Recreational Pilot Airplane test. All the questions have been solved by domain experts and come equipped with explanation. It has seventeen expansive topics that will train you thoroughly in all aspects of test. After you have mastered the topics, you can start taking the mock test modules that will help you find out all the weak areas that you need to focus to ace in the exam.

Prepare to ace the Pilot Test - Recreational Pilot Airplane (RPA) by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

* Airplane Design and Mechanics
* General Airplane Operation
* Airport and Air Traffic Control
* Aviation Weather
* Navigation Maps
* Navigation Services

In mock test questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautiful pie chart so that you can track your weak areas and give more focus on them.

The slick user interface allows you to choose from possible answers.
You don’t need to press too many buttons or encounter any alert messages.
The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input Innovative use of iPhone’s small screen real estate.
Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.

• Over 6 Different Topics to choose from.
• Over 60 Test Questions with Explanation.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• E-mail yourself the test results and track your progress.
• A new module, “Progress Meter” keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic or mock test.
• Choose your own timer settings.
• Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.
• Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.

Prenos Podatkov ( Data Usage )

Aplikacija ki vam omogo?a ?tetje prene?enih podatkov do zadnjega bita in se vam s tem pomaga izogniti pastem, ki vam jih pripravlja va? mobilni operater, ki vas o?ame do konca ?im v obra?unskem obdobju preidete v paketu zakupljeno koli?ino prenesenih podatkov. Ko v strahu pred (spet) preveliko vsoto na polo?nici ne porabite vseh razpolo?ljivih zakupljenih MB in tako me?ete denar skozi okno, vam ta aplikacija s ?tetjem prene?enih podatkov pomaga tako, da vsak trenutek veste kolik?na koli?ina prene?enih podatkov je ?e mo?na v teko?em obra?unskem obdobju. Tako lahko mesec za mesecem brezskrbno uporabljate dostop do interneta to?no toliko za ?asa za kolikor ste operaterju pla?ali.

Prednosti aplikacije so:

Nastavitev je enostavna. Dolo?iti morate le mese?no omejitev prenosa podatkov (npr. 200 za 200 MB) in vpisati za?etek obra?unskega obdobja (npr. 5 za 5. v mesecu). To je vse, od tu naprej ste lahko brez skrbi.

Aplikacija ima vgrajen algoritem, ki zaznava koli?ino prene?enih podatkov v mobilnih omre?jih oziroma v Wi-Fi omre?jih. V primeru prehajanja iz enega omre?ja v drugega, aplikacija zazna prehod med omre?ji ter lo?eno shranjuje koli?ine prene?enih podatkov v enem oziroma drugem omre?ju.

Sledi obsegu prenosa podatkov tekom meseca in porabo prikazuje na li?nem prikazovalniku. Ko je poraba ?e globoko v zakupljenem podro?ju je ta zelene barve. Ko se pribli?ate zakupljeni koli?ini podatkov v mesecu se prikazovalnik obarva oran?no, tik pred prekora?itvijo zakupljene koli?ine ali pa ?e ?ez pa se prikazovalnik obarva rde?e - enostavno in uporabno. ?e vas zanimajo podrobnosti, lahko kadarkoli preverite koli?ino prene?enih podatkov v teko?em mesecu in odstotek zakupljene koli?ine, ki je ?e prosta.

Aplikacija sedaj vklju?uje tudi funkcijo Data Doctor*, ki na podlagi va?e povpre?ne dnevne porabe lahko predvidi ali in kdaj boste presegli va?o zakupljeno koli?ino prenosa podatkov. Tako lahko bolje organizirate va? dostop do interneta brez neprijetnih presene?enj.

Data Doctor vklju?uje tudi zgodnji opozorilni sistem, ki vas s pomo?jo barv opozarja kdaj ste v nevarnosti preseganja zakupljene koli?ine prenosa podatkov. Ob tem so vam na voljo predlogi za doseganje optimalne porabe prenosa podatkov. Zakupljena koli?ine se vsak mesec porabi do konca, hkrati pa je nikoli ne prekora?ite.

S pritiskom na gumb "Data Doctor" so vam na voljo predlogi za doseganje optimalne porabe prenosa podatkov
-Ko je gumb "Data Doctor" obarvan zeleno ste varni pred prekora?itvijo in poraba do konca meseca ne bo presegla zakupljene koli?ine podatkov.
-Ko se gumb "Data Doctor" obarva rde?e, ste v nevarnosti da s tako porabo pred koncem meseca prekora?ite zakupljeno koli?ino prenosa podatkov

Prijatelju ste posodili va? iPhone/iPod in vas sedaj zanima koliko ?asa je pre?ivel na internetu? Ni problema, aplikacija ima funkcijo "Od zadnjega zagona aplikacije" s pomo?jo katere izveste kolik?en je bil prenos podatkov od va?ega zadnjega zagona te aplikacije. Tako vpra?anja te vrste niso ve? problem in ni ve? glavobolov ob pogledu na prejeto polo?nico.

Ima tudi "Opomnik za ponastavitev", ki vas opozori da ponastavite ?tevec podatkov ob za?etku novega obra?unskega obdobja

Funkcija "Od zadnjega vklopa telefona" vam pove koliko je bilo prene?enih podatkov od zadnjega vklopa va?ega telefona.

V primeru da ste se pri operaterju odlo?ili za paket z neomejenim prenosom podatkov, pri omejitvi prenosa vstavite 0. ?e zmeraj bodo na voljo vse funkcije te aplikacije z izjemo izra?una odstotka preostale zakupljene koli?ine podatkov.

*Gumb "Data Doctor" se nahaja v zgornjem desnem kotu aplikacije. Viden bo ?ele 3 dni po za?etku teko?ega obra?unskega obdobja, saj potrebuje podatke vsaj treh dni za izra?un povpre?ne dnevne porabe in ostalih parametrov.

Thai Data Usage

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ??? ? ????? ??????????????????????

?????????????????????????????? :

1) ????????????????????????????????????? Cellular ??? WiFi
2) ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
3) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
4) ?????????????? iPhone ??? iPad ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ??????????????? (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

????????: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

UK Driving Theory Test

The official UK car driving theory test comes to Android.

Prepare your theory test for car with latest and official DSA revision question bank which has over 970 questions.

"This application is extremely well designed and very well organised, It will prove a valuable resource to those taking their driving theory test" - iCreate Magazine.

You can study the highway code by topic. All questions are sorted by topic. It also tells you the areas that each topic covers.

? Accidents
? Alertness
? Attitude
? Documents
? Hazard Awareness
? Motorway Rules
? Other Types of Vehicle
? Road and Traffic Signs
? Rules of the Road
? Safety Margins
? Safety and Your Vehicle
? Vehicle Handling
? Vehicle Loading
? Vulnerable Road Users

Mock test simulates the real test format. Questions are presented randomly from all the topics.

A summary of the practice test is presented at the end of each test. It shows you the time you took, the score, which questions you answered correctly and where you were wrong. And yes, you can E-MAIL the results.

The app records your progress as you start giving practice tests.
It shows you a beautifully animated bar chart so that you can track your weak areas and retry the questions you answered incorrectly.

The slick user interface allows you to choose from possible answers.
You don't need to press too many buttons or encounter any alert messages.
The app is very interactive and needs minimum user input. Innovative use of iPhone's small screen real estate.
Shake your iPhone/iPod to skip a question.

• Over 970 multiple-choice questions.
• Choose number of questions you would like in each test.
• Shows test results in HTML format.
• A new module, "Progress Meter" keeps track of how you are performing in a particular topic, and retry the questions you answered incorrectly.
• Choose your own timer settings.
• Cool sound effects. (You can turn them off if desired.)
• Choose your own zoom factor for your question graphics.
• Special algorithm that randomizes questions every time you take a test.
• Mock test has exactly similar format as in real test.

Copyright Info:
• Crown copyright material reproduced under licence from the Driving Standards Agency and the controller of HMSO which does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the reproduction.

• The questions are valid for theory tests taken after September 2011

The Theory test for car drivers.

Utilisation de Donn?es ( Data Usage )

Une application qui vous permet de compter chaque octet que vous t?l?chargez pour ne pas exc?der votre limite de donn?es mensuelle car votre fournisseur de t?l?communication n’attend que ?a pour pouvoir vous facturer des p?nalit?s attrocement ch?res. Si vous n'utilisez pas la limite de donn?es au maximum, de peur d’exc?der la limite, vous gaspillez votre l'argent car vous payez de toute fa?on. Cette application se charge de compter chaque octet pour vous et vous permet de savoir exactement quand vous pourriez d?passer la limite et donc vous aide ? ?conomiser votre l'argent pr?cieux chaque mois. Vous voici en paix!

Les points forts de cette application sont :

?C'est une application universelle. Il fonctionnera sur l'iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad. Achetez une fois, utilisez partout!

?Il fait du Smart-Analyse sur votre ‘usage habituelle’ de donn?es pour pr?voir quand vous pourriez d?passer la limite, de sorte que vous puissiez mieux organiser votre utilisation.

?Il a des avertissements de code ? couleurs ?tablis d'une mani?re qui vous fera savoir quand vous ?tes en danger de croiser la limite de donn?es et vous sugg?rera ?galement comment employer de fa?on optimale votre plan de donn?e pour ne pas croiser la limite de donn?es mais employer la limite disponible de donn?es pleinement.

? Installation super simple. Entrez juste la limite de donn?es mensuelle: Exemple 200 pour la limite de donn?es mensuelle de 200 MB et la date du d?but de cycle de facturation du mois (Exemple 5 pour le 5 novembre) et c’est fait. L'Application s'occupera du reste.

? Cet application utilise un algorithme sp?cial pour automatiquement calculer l'utilisation de donn?es WiFi ou cellulaire (3G, GSM, Edge ou autre) .

? Il suit ? la trace votre utilisation de donn?es mensuelle et montre la quantit? utilis?e par une couleur sur la barre de progression cod?e. Le vert c’est quand vous ?tes sans risque dans la limite, il devient orange quand vous vous approchez de la limite et rouge quand vous ?tes pr?s de d?passer la limite ou avez depass? la limite. Il vous dit aussi combien de donn?es ont ?t? utilis?es pendant le mois et quel pourcentage de limite de donn?es est utilis?.

? Votre ami a emprunt? votre iPhone/iPod pendant quelque temps et vous ?tes inquiet qu'il/elle pourrait avoir regard? un film netflix en 3G et exc?d? la limite de donn?es. Aucun probl?me, l'application a une fonction appel?e "Depuis la Derni?re Ex?cution" qui vous dira combien de donn?es ont ?t? utilis?es pendant la derni?re ex?cution de cette application. Donc vous le saurez imm?diatement et pas ? la fin du mois. Vous pourrez donc ? partir de l? planifiez en cons?quence.

? Vous pouvez faire arr?t/marche pour la r?initialisation de rappels pour vous rappeler de remettre le compteur d'utilisation de donn?es Mensuel.

? La fonction "Depuis le Dernier D?marrage" vous dit exactement combien de donn?es ont ?t? t?l?charg?es depuis que le iPhone/iPod a ?tait red?marr? la derni?re fois. Une autre fonction appel?e "Depuis l'Installation de l’Application " compte combien de donn?es ont ?t? t?l?charg?es depuis que l'application a ?t? install?e sur l’appareil. Il vous dit aussi combien de jours il vous reste dans le cycle de facturation pour que vous puissiez mieux planifier votre utilisation de donn?es et ainsi obtenir un maximum de l’argent que vous payez chaque mois.

Utilizzo Dati ( Data Usage )

Un'applicazione che ti permette di contare ogni byte scaricato aiutando a difenderti dal gestore telefonico che aspetta solo che tu superi il limite mensile dei dati per prendere i tuoi soldi duramente guadagnati con scandalosamente care sanzioni. Se non utilizzi i dati completamente per paura di superare il limite e quindi sprecare soldi che paghi comunque, questa applicazione fa il conteggio dei byte per te, rendendo cos? super semplice sapere esattamente quando stai per superare il limite e quindi risparmiare il tuo prezioso denaro, mese dopo mese, ogni mese. Potrai ottenere la pace della mente che necessiti.

I punti di forza di questa applicazione sono:

1) Misure dati Cellulare e WiFi.

2) Non ? necessario lasciare l'applicazione aperta in background. Questo salva la preziosa vita della tua batteria diversamente dalle altre applicazioni simile chi operando in background consumano batteria e memora rallentando il telefono.

3) Analisi predittiva dei dati mensili che d? proiezioni altamente accurate circa il tuo utilizzo mensile di dati e che suggerisce schemi di comportamento cos? da non rischiare di superare il limite prima della fine del mese.

4) Progettato per iPhone e iPad, funziona nativamente su entrambi. Compra una volta, usa ovunque (iPhone, iPad, iPod)

5) Utilizza un algoritmo di intelligenza artificiale che impara dai tuoi schemi di utilizzo e si adatta per suggerire il miglior utilizzo giornaliero per proteggere il tuo limite.

6) Utilizza uno speciale algoritmo che ti informa del tuo preciso utilizzo di dati senza aver bisogno di tenere aperta l'applicazione in background. Ottimo risparmio di batteria. Ottimo risparmio di memoria.

7) Avvisi colorati in Verde, Rosso e Giallo per avvertirti dello stato del tuo utilizzo.

8) Usa l'opzione "Dall'Ultima Esecuzione" per conoscere la quantit? di dati utilizzati dalle altre applicazioni e scoprire se qualche applicazione usa dati in eccesso.

9) Usa ricorda azzeramenti per azzerare l'utilizzo di dati all'inizio del ciclo di fatturazione.

10) Questa applicazione funziona con qualsiasi gestore telefonico in quanto raccoglie tutti i dati dall'interno del dispositivo SENZA bisogno di effettuare l'accesso da nessuna parte.

11) Configurazione super semplice.

Nota: Si prega di rivolgere qualsiasi domanda al servizio clienti invece di lasciarla nei commenti.

Veri Kullan?m? ( Data Usage )

Kulland???n?z son byte ? hesaplayan ve bu ?ekilde sizin ayl?k veri limitinizi belirleyen bir app( Uygulama) ve g??l?kle kazand???n?z paralar? y?ksek maliyetli cezalara d?n??t?ren Telekom servis sa?lay?c?n?z?n size verece?i zararlardan sizi korur. Her ko?ulda ?demek durumunda kald???n?z bu cezalardan sizi koruyan veri limitini kullanmad???n?z takdirde, bu app(Uygulama) kulland???n?z her veriyi sizin i?in hesaplayarak limit a?abilece?iniz konusunda sizi bilgilendirecek ve bu ?ekilde paran?z?n aylar boyunca cebinizde kalmas?n? sa?layacakt?r. Bu ?ekilde Akl?n Huzuruna( Bar???na) sahip olacaks?n?z.

Bu uygulaman?n di?er g?z al?c? ?zellikleri ?unlard?r:

Kurulumu ?ok kolayd?r. Yapman?z gereken tek ?ey sadece s?ylemek ( Sadece bir kez… Buy uygulaman?n (app) kurulumu s?aras?nda) Ayl?k veri limitiniz ( Ayl?k Planlanan 200 Mb ?zerinden 200 mb) ve ayl?k fatura d?nemi ba?lang?? tarihiniz ( ?rne?in 5, yani her ay?n 5inde fatura ?d?yorsunuz) Evet, Hepsi bu kadar.. B?rak?n bu Uygulama geri kalan?n? sizin i?in d???ns?n…

Cep telefonunuzda 3G, 4G, Edge, GSM vb. bir ba?lant? a??kken, kablosuz olarak ne kadar veri kullan?ld???n?z size otomatik bir bi?imde g?steren bir algoritma ile donat?lm??t?r. Telefonunuzun ba?lant?s?n? kesti?iniz takdirde problem olmayacakt?r. Bu uygulama otomatik bir bi?imde size ne kadar veri kulland???n?z? g?sterecektir.

Bu uygulama size ayl?k ne kadar veri kulland???n?z? s?yler ve renkli ?ubuklarla bunun oranlar?n? g?sterir. E?er hala limiti a?mad?ysan?z, ye?il renkte, e?er limite yakla?t???n?z zaman turuncu ve a?maman?z gereken limiti a?t???n?z takdirde k?rm?z? renkte olacakt?r. Bu ?ok kolay ve s?per kullan??l?d?r. E?er detaylar? seviyorsan?z, size o ay i?erisinde ne kadar veri kulland???n?z? ve veri kullan?m limitinizin kullan?m oranlar?n? s?yler.

Bu uygulama Data Doctor( Veri Doktoru)* isimli bir ?zelli?e sahiptir. Data Doctor sizin kullan?m modelleriniz hakk?ndad?r ve siz veri limitini a?t???n?zda sizi ?nceden bilgilendirir. Bu ?ekilde veri kullan?m?n?z? saha iyi bir bi?imde organize edebilirsiniz.

Veri doktoru, limit a??m?n? ?nlemek i?in erken uyar? sistemi ile sizi uyaracakt?r. Ayr?ca, bilgi-plan?n? nas?l sabit olarak kullanabilece?inizi ve limiti ge?memeniz i?in kullan?labilir bilgi-limitini bildirecektir.

En iyi kullan?m i?in K???k ?neriler alabilece?inizi Data Doctor d??mesine dokununuz.
-Data Doctor ekran?ndaki d??me ye?il ise bu, halen limiti a?mad???n?z ve ay sonuna kadar veri limitini a?mayaca??n?z anlam?na gelir.
-Data Doctor d??mesindeki renk k?rm?z? ise, bu veri limitini ay sonundan ?nce a?aca??n?z anlam?na gelir.

Herhangi bir arkada??n?z sizin iPhone/iPodunuzu ?d?n? ald??? takdirde ve onun cihaz?n?za bir ?eyler indirip indirmedi?ini veya limit a??p a?mad???n? ??renmek isterseniz de sorun yok. Bu uygulama “Son Kullan?m” ad? alt?nda bir ba?ka ?zellik i?erir ve bu ?zellik son kullan?m oran?n? ve bu ay sonuna kadar yapt???n?z t?m veri indirimlerini( faturay? ?dedikten sonra) g?rmene yard?mc? olur.

Ayl?k veri sayac?n?z? s?f?rlamaya( silmeye) yarayan bir S?f?rlama Uyar? ( Reset Reminder) ?zelli?i mevcuttur.

“Son Y?kleme" ?zelli?i ile (iPhone/iPod) son ba?lama zaman?ndan sonra, cihaz?n?za indirmi? oldu?unuz bilginin tam de?erinin verir.

Limitsiz olan veri kullan?mlar? i?in l?tfen veri-limiti olarak 0(s?f?r) se?in Ve bu ?ekilde limitsiz oldu?u i?in size limit oranlar? d???ndaki bilgileri verecektir.

*Data Doctor ( Veri Doktoru) d??mesi /tu?u uygulaman?n sa? ?st k??esindedir. Bu d??me sadece Data Doctor , K???k Analizler b?l?m?n? ?al??t?rmak ve son 3 g?nl?k kullan?m verisini g?sterebilmek i?in ?? g?n sonra g?r?lebilecektir.

Vyuzitie Dat ( Data Usage )

Aplikacia,ktora vam umozni pocitat kazdy posledny bite ktory stiahnete a pomoze vam sa odrazit od prefikaeho telecom poskytovatela,ktory caka kym prekrocite vas mesacny limit a potom pouzije vase tazko zarobene peniaze ,aby ste platili nehorazne a cenovo premrstene pokuty.Ak nepouzivate vas limit uplne zo strachu prekrocenia limitu a preto zbytocne vyhodene peniaze ktore platite chcete lepsie vyuzit je tu pre vas aplikacia ktora pocita kazdy byte za vas cim je pre vas uplne jednoduche zistit kedy mozete prekrocit limit a tym vam usetri vase peniaze mesiac za mesiacom,kazdy mesiac.A nehovoriac o pokoji v dusi

Prednosti aplikacie su:

Sleduje vase mesacne vyuzitie dat a ukazuje mnozstvo vyuzitych dat ako farebny graf,ked je zeleny ste v bezpeci,ak je oranzovy blizite sa limitu a ked je cerveny uz ste skoro presiahli vas datovy limit.Je super jednoduchy a super napomocny.Ak milujete detaily presne vam povie kolko dat ste minuly tento mesiac a kolko percent ste uz vycerpali

Menu je ako vanok,.Vsetko co potrebujete je nastavit mesacny limit dat(napriklad 200 pre 200 mb mesacny plan) a prvy den mesacneho platobneho cyklu.(napriklad,5 ak vas platobny cyklus zacina piateho kazdy mesiac.Ano to je vsetko ...a aplikacia sa postara o zvysok.

Tato aplikacia teraz zahrna funkciu nazyvanu Data Doktor*.Data Doktor roby mudre analyzy a predvida kedy mozes dosiahnut data limit,takze mozes lepsie zorganizovat svoje data

Data Doktor* prave predvedie system rychleho varovania,ktory ma farebne vystrazne znamenia,ktore ti daju vediet ci si v ohrozeni prekrocenia dat a tiez ta navedie ako optimalne vyuzivat tvoj data-plan aby si neprekrocildatovy limit a aby si svoj mesacny limit vyuzil naplno

tato aplikacia ma zabudovany algorytmus automaticky detekovatkolko dat je vyuzitych ked na vasej sieti ako 3G,4G,Edge,GSM a tak dalej a tiez kolko dat ste minuly na vasej wifi sieti ,mozete prepinat medzi wifi a sietou bez problemov,tato aplikacia s tym nebude mat problem ,automaticky vam poviekolko dat bolo spotrebovanych na kazdej zvlast

sleduje vase mesacne vyuzitie dat a ukazuje mnozstvo vyuzitych dat ako farebny graf,ked je zeleny ste v bezpeci,ak je oranzovy blizite sa limitu a ked je cerveny uz ste skoro presiahli vas datovy limit.Je super jednoduchy a super napomocny.Ak milujete detaily presne vam povie kolko dat ste minuly tento mesiac a kolko percent ste uz vycerpali

kamarat si pozical tvoj iphone na nejaky cas a ty sa chces dozvediet ci on/ona neprekrocili tvoj mesacny limit,ziaden problem.Aplikacia ma nastroj Since last run,ktora ti pomaha prave pri takychto pripadoch teraz hned a nie na konci mesiaca ked pride faktura kolko dat si stiahol od spostenia poslednej aplikacie

ma reset pripomienkovac aby vam pripomenul resetovat vase mesacny pocitac dat.

nastroj Since last Boot,vam povie prene kolko dat bolo stiahnutych od posledneho restartu zariadenia

pre neobmedzeny datovy plan ,stlac nulu pre datovy limit.dostaneme vsetky data okrem percetualneho vyjadrenia dat ktore vyuzival ako neobmedzene

mozes stlacit tlacidlo Data Doktor aby si ziskal mudru radu pre optimalne vyuzitie
-Ked tlacidlo Data doktor je cervene ,znamena to ze si v nebezpecenstve prekrocenia tvojho limitu pred skoncenim mesiaca
-Ked je tlacidlo data doktor zelene znamena to ,ze si bezpecne pred limitom a pred skoncenim mesiaca neprekrocis stiahnute data

*tlacidlo data doktor je na pravej hornej strane aplikacie.toto tlacidlo bude viditelne iba po troch dnoch v prebiehajucom platobnom mesiaci,pretoze data doktor potrebuje aspon 3 dni na to aby spustil jeho mudre -analyzy