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2012 Horoscope ®

YOUR 2011 HOROSCOPE: The most complete 2011 astrological forecast is now available on your iPhone! A must have astro guide to achieve your biggest goals and avoid any pitfalls you may encounter during the next 12 months. Don't loose a seconde, check the 25 forecast themes sign by sign, month by month, and discover the star's secrets for yourself and your relatives!


- A global 2011 analyse
- Precise forecasts for the 12 signs
- 6 big themes: You, Love, Relation, Projects, Energy, Agenda
- 28 forecast for each sign
- Printable version by mail
- Facebook and Twitter post
- Intuitive ergonomics
- Elegant design
- Contact directly your astrologer and ask any questions!


Check your complete horoscopes for today, tomorrow and much more !

Horoscope : The official Horoscope from horoscope.fr now available on your Android phone ! 100% FREE, 100% PRO !

? #1 Top Horoscope !
? #10+ Millions downloads !
? Compatible with tablets !

Check your complete horoscopes for today, tomorrow and keep an eye on your horoscope of the week, your monthly horoscope and your yearly horoscope written by our best, most serious and experienced astrologers.

The horoscope texts are updated every day in real time, and you can consult them at any time without any limitations!

What can you expect from the stars ? For Love, Work, or Wellness ? Which key-dates are the essential for success this month ? Horoscope on Android is the horoscope application you must have... Download it now!

For any questions/features on the Horoscope app :

Explanation of requested permissions by Horoscope

- Approximate geographical location :
Your approximate geographical location is requested in order to help determine your astrological profile (automatically detects the places nearby).

- Network communication (show your WiFi and network status) :
Allow you to enjoy the best connection available (WiFi and/or Network) for the best possible browsing experience.

- Phone calls :
Allows you to keep the application open when a phone call or a text message interrupts your reading.

- Phone/SD CARD storage :
The information entered in the application will be kept on your Smartphone/SD card in order to give you a personalized content every time you open the application.

- E-mail accounts :
Allows you to share your horoscope easily by automatically filling the content of the e-mail and the e-mail address of the sender.

- Network communications (general internet access) :
Allows you to enjoy an up-to-date content (daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes).

- System tools :
Allows the application to run faster when your smartphone is running out of virtual memory.

Horoscope 2010 Lite

GRAND HOROSCOPE 2010 LITE : Le plus complet des horoscopes 2010 GRATUIT sur votre iPhone ! Parcourez vos pr?visions astrologiques 2010 signe par signe et d?couvrez les secrets des astres pour vous et pour vos proches !

Le Grand Horoscope 2010 de Samsara est disponible en exclusivit? sur iPhone. Astrologue professionnelle consult?e par les plus grands et reconnue par ses pairs pour ses recherches en astrologie, Samsara a d?cod? les myst?res des cieux pour vous aider ? vivre les 12 prochains mois avec s?r?nit? et bonheur.

Caract?ristiques :
- Une analyse g?n?rale des grands aspects astrologiques en 2010.
- Pr?visions d?taill?es consultables pour les 12 signes.
- 3 th?matiques par signe : Vos priorit?s, vos points forts, vos faiblesses.
- R?ception de votre ?tude par mail en format imprimable
- Post Facebook et Twitter
- Ergonomie intuitive
- Design ?l?gant
- Contactez directement l’astrologue Samsara pour des pr?visions encore plus pr?cises.

Horoscope 2012 HD

? 2012 Horoscope ? 12 months to make all your dreams come true ?
SUBSTANTIVE AND COMPLETE...your 2012 Horoscope is here! Discover what the already exciting new year has in store for you right now!

This Horoscope leaves nothing out, and covers Love, Work, Projects, and Energy... What will be your occasions and key dates for finding happiness, or achieving professional and financial success, etc...? Your 2012 Horoscope answers these questions. So, don't wait! This horoscope is a definite must so that 2012 will no longer hold any secrets!

Enjoy exclusive access to official forecasts from the Horoscope.fr website on your iPhone:

? General analysis of the major astrological aspects in 2012
? Detailed forecast available for the 12 signs
? 6 themes per signs: Your Life, Love, Expectations, Projects, Energy, and Calendar (monthly)
? Share your favourite content via email
? Publish on Facebook and Twitter
? User friendly
? Elegant design

Horoscope ®

The official Horoscope from horoscope.fr now available on your iPhone ! 100% FREE, 100% PRO!

#1 Horoscope
#10+ Million downloads
#4 Rewind Apps 2010

Check your complete astrological predictions for today and tomorrow and keep an eye on the key moments of the week, month and year! They are written by our best, most serious and experienced astrologers. Texts are updated every day in real time, and you can consult them at any time without any limitations!

What can you expect from the asters regarding Love, Work and Wellness? Which key-dates are the essential for success this month? My iHoroscope is THE App you must have…Download it now!

For any questions/features: mobile-support@telemaque.fr

My Tarot

With iTarot, control your future!

Discover four drawing methods to learn everything in a few finger pressures: you are holding the cards of your future...

People often look to the Tarot de Marseille just like when they look to the sky, with the simple and legitimate purpose of learning the future and knowing their prospects. Is it that simple? Is raw information, without further processing and interpretation, really enough to interact effectively with future events? This should be a very helpful message for us, a message that refers us to images requiring indispensable steps in order to optimize our quest for balance and peace...

With iTarot, you will be able to interpret the cards of the most famous and oldest divinatory tarot through four drawing methods performed from the 22 Major Arcanas.

The Simple Cross Spread: the most widely used methods amongst all fortune-tellers; the best method to assess your current situation, draw conclusions from it and finally reach your goal.

The Gipsy Spread: do you have a precise question? With only three cards, you will be able to quickly take the right decision.

King Solomon's Star: this spread unveils the obstacles and unforeseen events that may slow down your projects.

The Fourteen Cards Spread: it offers a complete and precise view of your future, in every aspects of your life.

Natal Charts

? To go further and higher ?

The Natal Chart application allows you to discover the astrological chart corresponding to your birth.

Do you know your actual ascendant? What planets are your rulers, those which define your strengths and weaknesses, your qualities and your flaws?

What are the keys to achieve fulfilment in your life? All these are written in your birth chart.

With your Natal Chart, you will discover all the astrological aspects that are ruling your personality and your relatives personalities in an instant.The Natal Chart application provides an instant display of the planets and their aspects (planetary interactions) according to your birth date, time and city/area. It also provides a comprehensive and extensive analysis and interpretation of their influences over your daily behaviour.

The Natal Chart application is intuitive and easy to use. You can handle several profiles at the same time: yours, those of your romantic partners, friends, family and professional contacts. The Sky map, also known as star chart or star map, is an essential help for all those wishing to learn more about themselves and to overcome some blocks, as well as to learn how to act with the others.

Learn more...
The Sky map is an instant chart of the sky, at a very precise time. It is the personal astral chart of each person. Also known as chart, star chart or simply horoscope, it is the foundation of every analysis performed by the astrologer.

The sky map is divided into twelve houses, each representing a component of the life of the person. The planets transit in each of these houses and form aspects between themselves. The first six houses deal with the personal and inward life of the intodividual born under a specific sign while the last six houses cover his social and outward life.

This application requires an Internet connection.

For any questions/suggestions: mobile-support@telemaque.fr

Oracle de Cristal

Nous souhaitons la v?rit?, et ne trouvons en nous qu'incertitude... « Dois-je l'appeler ? », « M'aime-t il ? », « Pense-t-elle ? moi ? », « Est-ce le bon moment ? »
Autant de questions simples et pourtant si importantes qui nous freinent dans nos projets, par peur du choix et de l'inconnu. Avec l'Oracle de Cristal, transformez votre iPhone en v?ritable boule de cristal virtuelle et devenez acteur de votre Avenir !

Support originel des voyants depuis la nuit des temps, la cristallomancie est un art divinatoire puissant et toujours tr?s utilis?. L'Oracle de Cristal est la premi?re application qui parvient ? retranscrire fid?lement les myst?res de cette m?thode de divination, au travers de 4 modes de consultation originales.

Le cristal scintille des ?clats de votre avenir... Il est temps pour vous maintenant de conna?tre la V?rit?...

Caract?ristiques :
- 4 modes de consultations : par irradiation, apposition, vibration et par souffle (selon votre mod?le de telephone)
- Utilisation simple et intuitive
- R?ponses claires et pr?cises
- Design ?l?gant

Palm Reading HD

Palmistry in Greek, «tokeir manteia» means the hand's divination. It consists in the practice of evaluating a person's character or future life by "reading" the palm of that person's hand. Initially It was conceived to be originated from ancient China approximately 3000 years B.C !!!

Discover why this ancient practice continues to spread its benefits by experiencing and enjoying this free palm reading App!

By analyzing hand's characteristics, the palmistry allow us to understand laws of life and their influences over each person. This practice is characterized by putting people's mind at rest about their destiny and it is not limited to any particular religion but deeply rooted in the culture of ancient times.

Check out your loved ones profile Hand any time without any limitations, freely!

This App uses the Augmented Reality Technology for enhancing the palms characteristics.

Tarot of Marseille

With Tarot of Marseille, control your future !

With Tarot of Marseille, control your future!

You have access to four drawing methods to learn everything in a few finger pressures: you are holding the tarot cards of your future...

People often look to the Tarot of Marseille just like when they look to the sky, with the simple purpose of learning the future and knowing their prospects. Is it that simple? Is raw information, without further processing and interpretation, really enough to interact effectively with future events? This should be a very helpful message for us, a message that refers us to images requiring indispensable steps in order to optimize our quest for balance and peace...

With Tarot of Marseille, you will be able to interpret the cards of the most famous and oldest divinatory tarot through four drawing methods performed from the 22 Major Arcanas.

The Simple Cross Spread: the most widely used methods amongst all fortune-tellers; the best method to assess your current situation, draw conclusions from it and finally reach your goal.

The Gipsy Spread: do you have a precise question? With only three cards, you will be able to quickly take the right decision.

King Solomon's Star: this spread unveils the obstacles and unforeseen events that may slow down your projects.

The Fourteen Cards Spread: it offers a complete and precise view of your future, in every aspects of your life.

Voyance ®

? Limited-time Offer ?
iPsychic ? Psychic Reading 100% FREE

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You cannot see a solution to your problems... You want to KNOW, so that things can CHANGE

LOVE > WORK > FAMILY > MONEY > HERE, solutions will appear!

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Type your question: your psychic answers you instantly.

To guarantee you a private session tailored to your needs, our psychics answer your questions by written messages no matter where you are, every day from 8 AM to 3 AM, U.S. Eastern Time.
For UK, our psychics answer all your questions from 1 PM to 8 AM, local time.

? iPsychic, is YOUR solution!